
LightForce Braces

LightForce Braces

We’re proud to offer LightForce braces, a cutting-edge technology that unites modern 3D-printing with a fully digital treatment planning process to provide our patients with a great orthodontics experience, and even greater results.  Using digital models taken from a digital scan, rather than impressions of your teeth, LightForce braces are designed and then 3D-printed to precisely match the unique shape and orientation of each individual tooth.

LightForce braces are an excellent solution for multiple different orthodontic issues. Whether you are looking to fix crowded teeth, crooked teeth, or malocclusions, LightForce’s customizable treatment plan will work for a variety of our patients. 

LightForce braces are an esthetically pleasing clear bracket system for those who don’t think clear aligners are a good fit for them, or would prefer traditional braces without the look of all that metal. The customization of LightForce braces can also expedite overall treatment time, allowing for fewer in-office visits.

They are efficient, personalized, and help make orthodontic treatment more convenient for even our busiest of patients.

If you would like to learn more about LightForce braces, please check out our blog, or schedule a consultation today.