What to Expect During Your First Week with Braces

Getting braces is an exciting time, and maybe even a little nerve wracking. At SKS Orthodontics, your local orthodontist in Syracuse, NY, we will ensure you are ready for your orthodontic treatment, know what to expect, and know what to do if a problem arises. We work with patients on an individual basis to make sure they receive the orthodontic care they need and deserve. Whether you are getting clear braces or metal braces in Syracuse, you can feel confident choosing SKS Orthodontics for your orthodontic treatment!

Before Leaving the Orthodontist’s Office

Before Leaving the Orthodontist’s OfficeOnce your braces have been put on by our Syracuse orthodontist, we will ask you to check and make sure all of the wires and brackets feel alright in your mouth and that nothing is poking out to hurt you. We will also go through some information about your braces and how to care for them. Oral hygiene is crucial with braces, so we will discuss how to brush and floss with your new hardware. Our team will also give you some orthodontic wax to help alleviate sore spots on your checks, gums, and tongue from the new metal in your mouth.

The First Day

During your first day with braces you will probably experience some soreness and discomfort. To manage the pain, SKS Orthodontics recommends taking an over the counter pain medication like ibuprofen or acetaminophen as per the package’s instructions. You can also use a warm water and salt rinse to help soothe any soreness in your mouth.

Our orthodontists recommend eating a soft diet that is easily chewed and will not put additional strain on your teeth and braces. Most of our patients have found that pudding, soft vegetables, soup, smoothies, ice cream, and mashed potatoes are all good options. We recommend sticking to a soft diet for at least the first week.

The First Week

Throughout the first week, you will most likely continue to have soreness and minor discomfort. Find a pain management strategy that works for you and a diet that you enjoy eating but is easy on your teeth. It’s important to thoroughly clean your teeth after every meal and ensure there are not any food particles stuck between your teeth, brackets, and wires. By day 4-5, your soreness should have lessened and you can move onto more normal foods.

Over the first week(s) of wearing your braces, you may develop sores on the inside of your mouth. When this happens, it’s time to break out the orthodontic wax we gave you at your appointment. The soft tissues in your mouth will harden as time passes and won’t be as sensitive to your metal braces, but in the meantime, you can use wax to protect the inside of your mouth from the rough edges of your brackets.

Contact SKS Orthodontics for Your Next Appointment!

At SKS Orthodontics, we know that the first week or two of your braces can be a big adjustment, but we are here to help you through it. Our Syracuse, NY orthodontists and staff will ensure you have all of the information and support to have a great first week with braces. If you are interested in getting braces for yourself or your child, contact SKS Orthodontics. We provide metal braces and clear braces in Syracuse, NY. Call us for a visit today!

Ready to transform your smile?

Our Locations


404 E. Genesee St.
Fayetteville, NY 13066
(315) 458-0020

North Syracuse

7334 Buckley Rd.
North Syracuse, NY 13212
(315) 458-0020


633 W. Third St.
Fulton, NY 13069
(315) 458-0020

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