Foods to Avoid with Metal Braces

Foods to Avoid with Metal Braces Now that you have metal braces, there are a few lifestyle adjustments you will need to make — and what you eat is one of the most important! At SKS Orthodontics, our orthodontic team is all about making sure your treatment is comfortable, efficient and effective. We want to work with our patients to ensure you take good care of your teeth and braces during...

Tips from Your Syracuse Orthodontist

At SKS Orthodontics, we’re proud of the beautiful smiles we’ve created for patients in and around Syracuse, Fulton, and Fayetteville, NY. With our expert treatments, comfortable offices, and caring, friendly staff, our commitment to excellence is obvious. When it comes to Syracuse orthodontics, we want our patients to have an experience that goes above and beyond, which is why we walk beside...

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